I think that self-knowledge is the most authentic source from which one’s story emerges.
Getting to know ourselves could help us in finding the right way in the search for light, beyond darkness.

Dorelia Lipsa


From thought to painting


I was born in Iasi (1982), a city in the northeast of Romania, known as "The City of Seven Hills" or "The City of Great Loves."
Living and working near Milan as an international researcher in the field of public health and consumer products, I have recently embarked on the self-taught path of painting, captivated by a lifelong fascination with all forms of art.
This new artistic venture began in 2019, after a concert by a author’s choir unleashed an irresistible energy in me. That experience of harmonies, rhythms, and sung poetry revealed a parallel pursuit of dreams, lights, and colours that I am now exploring through my paintings.
In my artistic exploration, I use acrylics because they captivate me with their vibrant presence. Certainly, a distinctive element of my paintings is the use of points and lines. The point symbolises the beginning, the first contact, the initial mark that defines the bond between the hand and the working material. Simultaneously, it is a synthesis of completeness and the pursuit of inner fulfilment. From the points emerges the line, a necessity to find the like-minded and communicate with them, but also a journey through space and time in search of the mysteries that surround us and give meaning to our lives.

I would like my art to be not only a visual experience but also a narrative that can engage the audience through past, present, and future events, exploring deeper connections and stimulating reflection on our society, global challenges, and the values of tradition and innovation.